Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lessons I Learned As A Boy

As a boy growing up in the town of Bakersfield, CA I learned many life long lessons. The lessons I learned in my younger days have stayed with me. I am grateful for the examples many people were to me mainly my mother and father. Both of my parents helped in many different aspects of my life, but they always focused on the Savior and His teachings.

My father and I spent a lot of quality time together through sports and recreation. The time and love we spent together gave me a glimpse of how much my Father in Heaven loves me. I will never forget the times we spent fishing. We would always try to see who could catch the most fish, but even when we didn't catch anything I was still happy to be with my dad.

My mother was also very influential in my up bringing. She was one to always teach me to be a kind and generous person. I will never be able to to forget the great example of Christlike love she showed. My mother spent many afternoons and evenings helping me with school work and always showed me the importance of gaining and education.
The values I learned in my home continue to echo in my ears today. The love and affection my parents showed towards me instilled Christlike attributes. I know that THE HOME is an excellent place for all to learn and grow closer to out Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ.

Watch this video and see what lesson Gordon B. Hinckley learned as a boy.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Lighthouse

As we go along this journey called life we all face struggles and hard ships. We have all been lost at one point in our lives. At these moments of pain an sorrow we may feel as a captain lost at sea in a terrible storm. The only thing that keeps us from crashing into jagged shore is the LIGHT HOUSE. Like the captain, in our lives we have a light house that will save us from utter destruction. He is Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. He will rescue us from the dangers of the world.  

The Lord sends to us beams of hope and comfort that help us through the storm. These beams consist of family, friends, scriptures, prophets, uplifting music and many others. The beams the Lord has sent us will help us break through the storms of life and lead us back to his arms. The prophet Thomas S. Monson has counseled us to look to the lighthouse of the Lord. He states:

" There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life. The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing."

I know no matter what the storms of life may bring us, The Savior and his teachings will bless our lives.  We must be willing to put our faith in him and hope for a better tomorrow!